Ruth Weiss: Zimbabwe before the elections (21)
Analysts view Welshman Ncube, leader of the smaller MDC faction,
as critical to Premier Morgan Tsvangirai's victory, as a former
ally of Kenya's loser Raila Odinga had been in the Kenyan election.
The latter quarreled, with disastrous results for Odinga. The
analysts think that If no election pact exists between the two MDC
leaders, Tsvangirai is deemed to lose. During the 2008 presidential
election the vote was split with the emergence of a third candidate,
Simba Makoni. The observers think this had prevented an outright
Tsvangirai win over President Robert Mugabe and ponder whether the
MDC leader will bring Ncube and Makoni on board at this late stage.
Philan Zamchiya, Oxford University research fellow, predicted
Zanu-PF would win 20 "swing seats", that is, those won by less than
5%, thanks to "a myriad of sophisticated manipulation", unless
MDC-T formed an election coalition.(1)
Other analysts share the view that MDC-T should form an election
pact with smaller parties to garner anti-Mugabe votes. Going it
alone, wcould present Zanu-PF with victory. Tsvangirai, who favours
a September election date, has ruled out a further coalition with
Commentator Simukai Tinhuin concurred that MDC should enter an
election pact with smaller parties. He sees the scaling down of
aims as another option, saying MDC should concentrate on winning
a parliamentary majority rather than the presidency, which Tsvangirai
may have no chance of winning. The third option, going it alone,
was inadvisable. Tinhuin saw MDC as dysfunctional and losing ground,
with Zanu-PF gaining popularity, due to the indigenisation card.
MDC's woes include corruption on part of some MDC officials, scandals
surrounding Tsvangirai's personal affairs and also Zanu-PF success
in naming him a puppet of the West. Moreover, urban masses had
drifted from politics towards the now immensely popular Pentecostal
churches, whose puritanical views do not favour a leader with
promiscuous tendencies. MDC had also apparently alienated supporters
in Matabeleland and the Midlands, due to its failure oregarding
decentralization and because the `80s massacres were not given
their deserved limelight. Finally,the resurrection of Joshua Nkomo's
old party, Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU - PF) is in MDC's
disfavour. The latter was battling with the smaller MDC-M formation
led by Welshman Ncube.(3)
According to Premier Tsvangirai, that an election committee has
been established to work out a roadmap to the elections, including
the scrutiny of the controversial electoral roll. Justice Minister
Patrick Chinamasa again hinted at June 29 as the election date.(4)
South African President Jacob Zuma once more sent his mediation
team to Harare to assess the situation.(5)
The UN assessment team on financing the elections returned home,
after it was blocked from visiting the country, as Zanu-PF refused
to accept conditional election aid. Efforts to negotiate new terms
of reference failed, with Chinamasa insisting that conditions, such
as security sector and media reforms and foreign observers, were
unacceptable. President Robert Mugabe also warned gainst foreign
interference, (6) US$ 132m are needed to hold the elections.(7)
Finance Minister Tendai Biti had again appealed for international
help to hold the election. He repeated his accusations against the
diamond industry, which failed to pay the government its dues.(8)
A proposed US$900m South African loan was opposed by the Democratic
Party, while other opposition parties approved.(9)
Voters roll
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) claimed that over 60 000
new voters were registered, with about 345 400 deceased struck off
the national voters' roll. Registered voters totalled almost
MDC MP Thabitha Khumalo proposed the use of National ID cards for
the election, as the shabby voters roll was being used to deny
citizens their vote.(11) MDC-T has launched a drive for votes in
Harare, with door-to-door canvassing.(12) MDC fears that vote
rigging was under way in Matabeleland, with soldiers and officers'
wives bussed into Bulawayo and Matabeleland North for registration.
Zanu-PF was engaged in massive vote buying, with residential stands
and house allocations to hundreds security forces personnel,
according to a Ministry of Local Government Rural and Urban
Development officials. Housing projects for soldiers have sprouted
in recent weeks.(14)Tsvangirai appealed to SADC to reform the
security sector and force chiefs to accept the election outcome.
The Robert F. Kenedy Center found that human rights reform due
under the Global Political Agreement (GPA) had not been introduced.
Amendments were unlikely to be made before the elections to repressive
laws such as the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy
Act (Aippa); the Public Order and Security Act (Posa); the Criminal
Law (Codification and Reform) Act or the Private Voluntary Organisation
Act (PVO), which places onerous registration requirements on
Party squabbles
Zanu-PF, rent apart by factional rows in Manicaland and Matabeleland,
struggled to bridge the divisions. A three-man team under its
national chairman was dispatched to repair schisms within provincial
leaderships. At a two-day meeting in Manicaland, Mugabe's longtime
ally Didymus Mutasa, accused of unleashing violence in the province,
was heavily criticised. However, Mutasa succeeded in pushing through
a motion to dissolve the Manicaland Zanu-PF leadership, giving him
a chance to pack the new executive with his supporters.(17)
The former ruling party as well as MDC is facing primary elections,
which may find some established leaders losing to others. Fierce
tussles over the candidacy of renowned journalist Geoff Nyarota
broke out in Manicaland.(18) The smaller MDC led by Welshman Ncube
lost four councillors who defected to Zanu-PF.(19)
Human Rights
The womens organization WOZA appealed to the African Commission on
Human and People's Rights for protection from harassment.(20)
While War Vet. Leader Jabulani Sibanda said in a public lecture
that violence would follow a Zanu-PF election defeat, (21) police
chief Augustine Chihuri warned against violence during the election
Obert Gutu, Deputy Minister for Justice and Legal Affairs, feared
an anti-corruption probe into indigenisation would be dropped before
the elections. An Anti-Corruption operation against various
indigenisation structures had been stopped first by police, then
by a court order.(23)
MDC-T felt it had lost the business community's support, because
it had not fought hard enough against Zanu-PF's unilateral
indigenisation campaign.(24) Indigenisation Minister Saviour
Kasukuwere threatened the South African sugar company Tongaat Hulett
with closure, unless it complied with the 51% rule.(25)Tourism
Minister Walter Mzembi warned the tourism industry of indigenisation.
(26) A Chinese firm has begun a 1.25 billion yuan (US$202m) upgrading
project of Victoria Falls Airport, financed by an Export-Import
Bank of China loan (27)
Mugabe made all the right sounds in his celebratory address on
April 18, the 33rd anniversary of independence regarding peace,
non-violence and tolerance in the election campaign.(28) In fact,
there was little to celebrate; human rights violations continue to
deteriorate. Zanu-F was accused of hijacking independence for
According to official statistics, literacy rates have decreased to
91.3 percent, a negative development from the 97 percent in 2002.(30)
Despite impressive growth figures since 2009, the economy is in a
bad way and in worse shape than in 1980. The local currency is
defunct and infrastructure decaying. Water supply systems and other
utility services have virtually collapsed, with Harare's water
contaminated by human waste and industrial effluent. Donors and
investors are scared off by Zanu-PF's indigenisation policies.
Finance Minister Biti has said a tentative agreement had been
reached with the International Monetary Fund to help economic
reforms and clear debt arrears. The national debt management
organisation, Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd),
demanded an audit of the external US$10,7 bn debt, which contributed
to Zimbabwe's impoverishment.(31) The Zimbabwe Vulnerability
Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) predicted that more than 1.6 million
needed help during the peak hunger period, January - March
2013.(32) Maize imports from South Africa includes gene manipulated
grain, according to Biti.(33) Some 50 000 Zimbabeans are set to
gain from a US$12m EU grant.(34)
Former US Ambassdor Andrew Young to the UN met President Mugabe in
an effort to improve US/Zimbabwe relations.(35)
Malawi's first female President Joyce Banda will open the Zimbabwe
International Trade Fair (ZITF) on April 23.(36)
A water summit will be hosted by Harare at the end of the ZITF, in
an effort to solve the city's water problems.(37)
Helicopters donated by South Africas defence force will not at
present be sent to Zimbabwe.(38)
According to a UK group which removes the debris of war, Zimbabwe
is riddled with landmines over a wide area - 5,500 unexploded
landmines per kilometer - dating back to the 70s bushwar, (39)
Japan has released US$5.7m to the World Food Programme (WFP) for
Zimbabweans facing food shortages due to drought.(40)
- Independent 12.4
- 12.3, Standard 14.3
- 12.4
- New Zimbabwe 16.4,Daily News 17.4, Herald 18.4
- Financial Gazette18.4
- Daily News 12.4, SW Radio Africa 12.4, 16.4, Voice of America
Zim. 16.4, Reuters 17.4, Al Jazeerja 18.4
- Daily News 16.4
- SW Radio Africa 12.4, 15.4 17.4 13.4,
AFP 15.4
- Nehanda Radio 17.4, News24 17.4,
- Zim. Mail 14.4
- Daily News 15.4
- SW Radio Africa 15.4
- Standard 14.4
- Standard 14.4
- SW Radio Africa 16.4
- Standard 14.4
- New Zimbabwe 12.4, Herald 13.4, 13.4,
Standard 14.4, Daily News 14.4, 15.4, Nehanda Radio 16.4
- Independent 12.4, SW Radio Africa 12.4, 16.4
- Standard 14.4
- SW Radio Africa 17.4
- SW Radio Africa 17.4
- Nehanda Radio 18.4
- Zim. Mail 18.4
- Independent 12.4
- SW Radio Africa 15.4
- Independent 12.4
- Xinhua 12.4
- SW Radio Africa 18.4,
- Standard 14.4, SW Radio Africa 16.4,
- Herald 18.4
- Independent 12.4
- 16.4
- Daily News 16.4
- Zimbabwean UK 3317.4
- News24 17.4,New Zimbabwe 17.4
- New Zimbabwe 13.4, Business Day 13.4
- Standard 14.4
- SW Radio Africa 18.4
- New Zimbabwe 15.4
- Standard 14.4
Letzte Änderung: Friday, 19-Apr-2013 11:13:58 CEST
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