SPT-Zimbabwe Update No.3. June 2011: Beyond Livingstone

Brian Raftopoulos writes: "The excitement over the resolutions of the SADC Troika meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, at the end of March 2011, was largely focused on the stronger stance taken by the organ over the abuses of the Mugabe regime, and more particularly the continued obstacles placed by the latter over the implementation of the GPA. In effect however, the Livingstone resolutions brought into effect the major strength of the SADC mediation, which has been to lock the Mugabe regime into structures of accountability. Whatever the weaknesses of the GPA, and there are many, it has forced Zanu PF into closer accountability for its behavior at different levels including cabinet, parliament, JOMIC, the constitutional reform process, SADC, the AU and its relations with the West. [...]" Read more...

Letzte Änderung: Monday, 27-Jun-2011 09:28:05 CEST
Vorherige Meldung:
13.6.2011 SADC: Zimbabwe: Reforms first, elections later